Image: from Unsplash

Image: from Unsplash

Join our 100 Club

A chance to win cash prizes every month and raise funds for the parish.

Our 100 Club is a great way for you to support the parish with a one off subscription of just £15, and you get a chance to win cash prizes of £25, £15 and £10 every month. (All participants must be over 16 years old.)

How do you join?

Fill in the Membership form and set up a standing order for £15.

100 Club Membership Form

How to set up a bank standing order

There are 2 ways to set up a standing order:

1. Using internet banking, you will need the following details

  • Account name: LRCD APEN

  • 6-digit sort code: 40-27-02

  • 8-digit account number: 31335200

  • Payment reference: Your surname/100 Club

  • Date of first payment: 6th of month

  • Frequency of payment: Annual


2. Send a completed Standing Order Mandate - click here to download - to your bank. We do not need to see the completed form.

If you would prefer to pay your subscription by cheque, please make it payable to St Catherine’s and post/deliver it to St Catherine’s, Drover’s Lane, Penrith CA11 9EL. Please mark the envelope “100 Club”.


The list of winners for the month is displayed in the Newsletter and on noticeboards. Cheques will be posted to your home address promptly after each draw.

** THANK YOU FOR YOUR support **