Supporting Monze Mission Hospital
The Dioceses of Monze in Southern Zambia and Lancaster in NW England have had close links since the 1960s and over the years a number Diocesan priests have worked in the townships and rural trust countryside of southern Zambia including our present Bishop, Paul Swarbrick, and our former parish priest, Jerome Ainsworth. Several parishes support particular projects in Monze and when Fr Jerome was parish priest in St Catherine’s he set up this group to support the Holy Spirit Sisters in their work in the Monze Mission Hospital which they have managed since 2005.
The Holy Spirit Sisters live in the townships and rural communities, leaving their community each day to work among the poor in schools, hospitals and rural clinics, visiting the sick, caring for the orphaned and assisting families afflicted with AIDs. They draw strength from prayer and their community life. The group in St Catherine’s support the sisters by prayer, fundraising and constant interest in their work and life. Recent fundraising has focused on the building of a two-ward Neo Natal unit and we continue to fundraise for the equipping of this vital unit which has already saved several babies' lives.
The hospital in Monze is the largest hospital in the Southern Province of Zambia. The Neonatal Intensive care Unit was officially opened on 21 August 2020 at Monze Mission Hospital by his Lordship Bishop Moses Hamungole.
To donate to the Monze Mission Hospital group:
By bank transfer
Sort code: 16-52-21
Account number: 55197254
or send a cheque made out to Monze Mission Hospital to the St Catherine’s parish office. Please also send a message to let us know you have made a donation.
20 Oct 2023 ~ QUIZ NIGHT
Many thanks to you all for your participation in the quiz on Friday 20th October in aid of the Monze Neo-Natal Unit and for the donations from people who could not join us on the night. It was a very enjoyable and successful evening and we raised £330.00 for more badly needed equipment for the unit.
History of the link with the Diocese of Monze
At the gathering of Bishops for the Second Vatican Council in 1966 two recent appointees discussed their new roles, Bernard Foley from the Diocese of Lancaster and James Corboy coming from Ireland to the newly created Diocese of Monze in Zambia. The result of that conversatiion was that Bishop Foley promised to support Bishop Corboy in his work by sending four priests from Lancaster to Monze and over the years a number Diocesan priests have worked in the townships and rural trust countryside of southern Zambia. In 2010, recognising changing times, a new relationship was forged:
We of the Lancaster Diocese, recognising each other as Sister Churches, seek to strengthen our relationship with the Diocese of Monze. We realise we have done much for Monze over several decades through the service of clergy, religious and lay volunteers, through the raising of financial assistance, through visits and through constant prayer. We believe that our Diocese has benefited from this relationship. Christ has brought us together. In company with Him we still have much to gain. (Therefore we wish) to make more widely known throughout the Lancaster Diocese the historic relationship we share with the Diocese of Monze, to help sustain those current links which form the relationship now and to explore ways of developing this relationship into the future, for the greater glory of God and the building up of the Body of Christ as befits both our sister Churches. + Bishop Michael Campbell, Lancaster Diocese