News from St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School ~ Diocesan Inspection

We have recently been inspected by the Diocese and are delighted with the outcome; there are 9 judgments overall, we received 5 Outstanding and 4 Good judgements. With an overall effectiveness of Good.

Some key highlights include:

  • St Catherine’s is a fully inclusive school where children are happy, feel safe and are supported pastorally alongside their families.

  • Pupils are proud to belong to their school. Their participation in school life is a strength of the school. Behaviour is exemplary and pupils show respect for each other and for the adults in school.

  • There are effective and productive relationships between home, school, and parish where the children and families benefit.

  • The strong vision of leaders has guided the school through changing times and circumstances.

  • Parents are very supportive and appreciate and work with school staff to allow their children to flourish.

Our full report is available on the school website - here. Please have a look.

A massive thank you to Father John and the wider Parish for your continuing support. Rebecca Davies, Headteacher


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