News from St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School ~ Diocesan Inspection
We have recently been inspected by the Diocese and are delighted with the outcome; there are 9 judgments overall, we received 5 Outstanding and 4 Good judgements. With an overall effectiveness of Good.
Some key highlights include:
St Catherine’s is a fully inclusive school where children are happy, feel safe and are supported pastorally alongside their families.
Pupils are proud to belong to their school. Their participation in school life is a strength of the school. Behaviour is exemplary and pupils show respect for each other and for the adults in school.
There are effective and productive relationships between home, school, and parish where the children and families benefit.
The strong vision of leaders has guided the school through changing times and circumstances.
Parents are very supportive and appreciate and work with school staff to allow their children to flourish.
Our full report is available on the school website - here. Please have a look.
A massive thank you to Father John and the wider Parish for your continuing support. Rebecca Davies, Headteacher